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Can I remove the password from a Signable email?

Signable allows you to add an extra security measure to your envelopes, by making them password protected.

This makes sure that your signers add a provided password from their email, in order to unlock the envelope to view the documents.

If you are on a subscription plan, you will have access to our Branding feature and can use this to remove this password from your email, so that you can share the password directly with a signer yourself, via sms, email, Whatsapp etc.

How to remove the password

Step 1

Click on ‘Branding’ on the left-hand side panel and head to the ‘Email Templates’ section.

Step 2

Under ‘Custom Templates’ click on the email template ‘Signature request (with password)’.

Step 3

Scroll down until you find the variable, {contract password} and remove it.

Step 4

Once you’ve done this, click ‘Save Template’.

Step 5

You will also need to repeat the process for your Email Template, ‘Reminder of signature request (with password)’.

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