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Assigning template roles

Sending out a regular document through Signable is as easy as anything, granted. Sometimes, sending out a template can be a bit of a headscratcher. Perhaps you’ve come across the dreaded ‘All Parties Must Be Complete’ message when sending an envelope and wondered why? Or maybe you’re performing your first bulk send and aren’t quite sure what’s what? This article should help!

In this article we’ll cover the following:

Feel free to skip to whatever section is most relevant, Step 1 features some tips for best practice when creating Templates but if you’re confident your Template is set up right, skip ahead!

Part 1: Finalising your template

Let’s look at how a Template is set up. In this example, here’s my Tenancy Agreement that I’ve set up before, found in my Templates tab.

From here, click ‘Edit‘ to be taken to the Edit Template page – from here, you can add fields, edit existing ones and crucially, edit the Signer Roles on the Template. Now, this guide isn’t really going to show how to create the template itself, that info can be found here. No, we’re more interested in the Signer Roles that we’ve set up. In this case, my template is for three signers, so every time it’s sent, it will have three parties attached to the envelope. I’ve got fields placed for each signer where I need them, that page looks like this:

Now, each signer is expected to fill a signature, text and date field. For this example, you can see that the Signer 1 fields are placed for the Landlord to sign. This means, every time that I plan to send this document out for signing – those boxes should be filled by the Landlord.

Furthermore, Signer 2 and Signer 3‘s fields are placed under the Renter category, meaning that these fields should be filled by the Tenants when sent for signing.

Now we’ve explained the Signer Roles, let’s name them to something a touch more clear. By default, the signer roles will be labelled Signer 1, 2, 3, etc. We strongly recommend you label them to be something more indicative of that signer’s role within the document itself. In this case, let’s call them Landlord, Tenant 1 and Tenant 2.

To edit the Signer Role, look to the bubbles towards the left of the frame with an ‘S’ in each. Hover over one and you’ll see a small pen icon, select this. Under party title, enter the role that best represents the role these fields are assigned to, (that could be Landlord, Tenant, HR Rep, Finance Advisor – you name it!) then select ‘Update Party’. In my case, I’ve done this for each Signer and now the Template looks like this:

Now, you can see that the bubbles to the left represent the new Signer Roles (Landlord, Tenant 1 and Tenant 2) as opposed to the previous, more confusing setup! On that note, let’s get sending.

Part 2: Assigning your roles (Individual send)

So, we’ve got our Template, we’ll send it off. When you select this Template for your envelope, be it just one or half a hundred – you’ll be asked to assign each of the Parties (recipients) to the Roles (fields) you’ve already got set up on the Template.

For an individual envelope, once you’ve selected your document, and are on the ‘Add Parties’ stage, you’ll be met with the same number of Parties as the Signer roles set up on your Template.

A box under each party's name will state 'On {DOCUMENT TITLE} they are:' followed by the names of each role set up on your Template.

Enter your parties names and email addresses first. In this case, my three parties are:

  • Party 1 – Jo Bloggs, he is the Landlord for this Tenancy Agreement.
  • Party 2 – Mr Hugh Example, he is Tenant for this Tenancy Agreement.

Then we'd select the 'Landlord' role by clicking it, it will then be highlighted in blue, it's now been assigned!

Now we'd do the same for party 2, our Tenant - it will look something like this:

Once all parties have been assigned to the Template roles, you’ll be able to proceed and get on with sending your envelope!

Part 3: Assigning your roles (Bulk send)

Bulk Send will be available on Signable very soon…

Unlike an individual envelope, you won’t be assigning a specific person to the roles you set up on your Template. Instead, you’ll simply select which role Party 1 is going to fulfil, then Party 2, etc.

In this example, we have two parties on every envelope that will make up this Bulk Send. Party 1 will always be the Landlord as we want to assign these recipients to the Landlord fields we’ve got set up on our Template (as above). Party 2 on this bulk send will always be the Tenant. With this knowledge, we’d assign them both like this:

Once that’s done, so are you! You’ll notice that the ‘Next’ button has gone from greyed out to bold, meaning you can proceed! Wondering how we decide the recipients on this bulk send? Find more on that here.

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