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Bulk send - your CSV upload

What is a CSV file?

In short – it’s a text based spreadsheet! In this CSV, you need to pop your party information as well as any pre-fillable field info that you want filling in. But let’s start from the beginning.

In order to proceed, we’ll need to upload a CSV file featuring all the information required for this bulk send.

To start, click ‘Download your CSV’. This downloads a file featuring the various categories related to the number of parties each single envelope features, as well as the option to fill out prefill fields on the Template.

What is a prefill field?

Essentially, it’s a text field that you’ve set up on your Template that will prompt you to fill it in before sending to your signers. For more information on creating prefill fields – click here.

How to fill in your CSV

Now, in this example, my Bulk Send will feature nine envelopes, each addressed to two parties with three prefill fields in total on the template. Of course, your own can be much more extensive but clicking ‘Download CSV’ will produce a file that looks like this:

The name of each column corresponds with essential information required for your envelopes.

  • Envelope Title: This will be the name of the envelope your Parties will see, this will not change the Bulk Send Name that you entered earlier.
  • Party Name: The name of the party that will appear in the signature request email, audit trail and signing page. Each party is assigned to the signer roles that have been set up in the previous step. For a reminder on this step, click here.
  • Party Email: The email address that will receive the envelope.
  • Party – {Prefill Field Name}: This will depend on the prefill category name (e.g. name, address). Whatever you’ve labelled the prefill category as will appear here. If a prefill is not entered, it reverts to a regular text field, filled in by whoever it’s assigned to.

From here, you will need to populate the information in the CSV with the details as above. It will vary dependent on how many parties and whether there are prefills set up but the logic is the same. How exactly you get this information depends on your own system, but many CRMs feature the ability to export the required data. For more details, take the provided CSV to your system’s administrator if it’s unclear!

Now that the CSV’s info has been generated, it’ll look like this:

As you can see I have envelope titles, party names and emails as well as the personalised content for each of the prefillable fields. Now, we simply click the ‘Upload your Updated CSV’ button to upload it to Signable.

You will see a small ‘Upload Successful’ pop up appear, the ‘Next’ button will become active and you’re off! The next step outlines any issues with the data provided, if there are any. Dependent on the error, you may be asked to edit names/emails as required if invalid.

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